In the new series “Dare To Dance,” professional dancer Amy Dowden is lending her expertise to a couple who had to fast-track their wedding plans due to a sudden cancer diagnosis. The show, aired on BBC, showcases Dowden’s efforts to teach the couple how to dance despite the challenges they face.

Amy Dowden, a well-known figure from “Strictly Come Dancing,” shares her personal struggles too. After discovering a lump in her breast shortly before her honeymoon, she was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer in May 2023. This diagnosis forced her to step away from competing in the latest series of “Strictly Come Dancing.”

Now, Dowden is returning to her passion for dance on “Dare To Dance.” The second season of the show features a couple deeply connected to Wrexham FC, who have had to adjust their wedding plans due to cancer. Additionally, viewers can expect a special appearance from Rob McElhenney, co-owner of Wrexham FC and creator of “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia,” alongside Ryan Reynolds.

Throughout the series, Dowden will also help others find confidence through dance, including a young woman coping with vision loss, a firefighter with a hidden love for dance, and two friends preparing for a dance performance on Windrush Day.

Expressing her excitement for the show’s return, Dowden shares, “I am so delighted Dare To Dance is back. At the point when I dance, I feel like I can conquer anything. It’s something I want more people to experience; I really believe it can change your life.”

How old is Amy Dowden?

Amy Dowden is currently 32 years old.

What is Amy Dowden’s height?

Amy Dowden’s height is approximately 5 feet 3 inches.

What is Amy Dowden’s net worth?

As of now, Amy Dowden’s net worth is estimated to be around 5 million dollars.

What country is Amy Dowden from?

Amy Dowden is from Wales, United Kingdom.
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